Quality Assurance is a system of measures and controls established within an organization to try and manage (hence Assure) the Quality of the goods or services being provided. An effective Quality Assurance scheme should ensure a consistent and acceptable level of quality is being achieved in goods or services delivered to customers. Quality Assurance is a natural evolution of the more traditional “Quality Control” which relied almost totally on end of line inspection to weed out and identify failures. Quality Assurance takes a more holistic approach, based on the idea that identifying and removing the causes of defects is a more pragmatic and cost effective solution. Hence Quality Assurance is not as dependent on end of line inspection as Quality Control.
The need of QA testing is very essential for any software development. It ensures the product quality. QA testing for software industry has occupied apex position of software development life cycle. The release of quality software product mainly depends of Quality testing and assurance. Newer developments are pushing quality assurance further into complete software application life cycle. QA can help create better, faster and cheaper software. Come learn QA in best training center here in Einsteinsys, A complete IT solution. For more info, contact us @ 347-625-6179 or mail us to training@einsteinsys.com or both.
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