Experience the Secrets of Breath. Breathe in Health, Breathe out Stress- presented by THE ART OF LIVING FOUNDATION. An internationally acclaimed seminar based on innovative breathing techniques that reduce stress and heighten mental clarity and awareness. This one and a half hour seminar is a great introduction to the Art of Living Course, a 6-session program that includes * The tendencies of the mind * Sources of energy * The science & secrets of breath * Experience Meditation and more.
Admission: FREE. Registration required. www.artofliving.org www.aolresearch.org Secrets of Breath Seminar, 7:00 PM, January 15, 22, 29 & February 5, 12. February 3 at 3:00 PM; February 10 at 4:00 PM Art of Living Center, 2401 15th Street NW, DC 20009 Email: dc.center@us.artofliving.org Phone: 202-332-5433