Have you ever dream of owning a pet especially a puppy?because having a dog is simple and when ignored orabuse it will invariably develop behavioral problems.ADOPTING or owning a puppy is easy,but having a happy dog requires hard work. With a truely committed investment of patience and understanding, the rewards are endless. Having your dog trust you, giving you the gift of its love is a treasure money cannot buy.
Binka is it name and it is a prominent and domisticated home raised specie,8weeks old, CKC and AKC registered,deworm,microchipped.vaccinated and great with regards to temperement as proven by it recent vet report.just contact for more information,pictures as We sell them only to prospective adoptive homes who will promise to give it a snuggle and with booklet concerning thier nutritional being,toy loving nature,harmony in the home and friedliness in the home.Well known for it guarding ability as it appaerance at times looks intimdating but it is friendly with house mates and love kids. just contact for we are very welcoming to questions from our clients.