1) 494 E exit to Nicollet Ave (take a right) go south pass
American Blvd. take left on 81 street E and take an immideate
right to school at 8101 Nicollet Ave S.
(2) 494 W exit to Nicollet Ave (take a left) go south over
bridge pass American Blvd. take left on 81 street and take
immideate right to school at 8101 Nicollet Ave.
(3)From( Edina/France Ave) take American Blvd.E and go to
Nicollet Ave S (take right)on Nicollet Ave S and at 81 St. E
take left and an immideate right to school 8101 Nicollet ave S.
(4)From(Mall of America) take American Blvd.W and go to
Nicollet Ave S (take left)on Nicollet Ave S and at 81 St. take
a left and an immideate right to school at 8101 Nicollet Av S
(5)From Minneapolis go south on Nicollet Ave pass American Blvd
and take a left on 81 St.E and take an immideate right to
school at 8101 Nicolett ave s.