Faulty diet and digestion, Inadequate or inappropriate exercise for your constitution, sleeping during the day, hereditary factors, hormone imbalance, emotional reasons.
Solution: Your Ayurvedic body-type becomes the basis of a specific treatment program consisting of nutrition, exercise, daily and seasonal routines, herbs, lifestyle management and stress reduction. This includes medicated herbal powder massage, medicated herbal oil massage, body purification therapy, kizhi etc. These treatments will be carried out for 21 to 42 days. To lose excess weight you need motivation and enthusiasm, to initiate changes and carry them through. There is of course no miracle pill or quick answer to losing weight and if you want to keep the weight off permanently you need to do so slowly, and with an attitude of patience and self-love. Remember, it took a long time for you to accumulate your excess weight, so give yourself time to lose it!
A safe, permanent and ideal weight loss is that which is gradual and which does not exceed 3 to 4 kilos a month. It is very important to build health at the same time as reducing fat. It is also essential simultaneously to deal successfully with the causes underlying obesity. There is a very great difference between slim, & being thin & there is also a great difference between merely losing weight & creating a well-balanced body. All too often people who follow quick weight loss programme succeed in losing weight, but they also lose their good looks & good temper. They look drawn & haggard, feel irritable & tired. Their skin does not get sufficient time to readjust its natural elasticity & glow. Therefore at Dhanawantri we believe a programme which improves the health at the same time as it reduces the weight should compulsorily take a gradual course.