Events Category |
Rocktoberfest |
The Kingfisher Rocktoberfest enters into its 4th year – the agenda is pretty simple – to make Delhi Rock all through October!
, 22-October-2007
0:40:11 AM
The Kingfisher Rocktoberfest enters into its 4th year – the agenda is pretty simple – to make Delhi Rock all through October!
A series of 7 gigs are planned in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. The festival kicks off on Sunday, 7th Oct at Lodi with performances by Hypnosis and SOULMATE.
A couple of fresh new acts from Kolkata and Mumbai will grace the Delhi stage for the first time during the festival. Something Relevant is probably Mumbai’s best kept secret… a young band that has been influenced by bands like Phish and Sting and play music in a similar vein. And the full on manic energy rock n roll – Supersonics from Kolkata!
Other bands on the festival bill include the redoubtable Them Clones, IIIrd Sovereign, Undying Inc., Tearcube, HFT, Cyanide, Decibel, Scribe (Mumbai) & Be.
Cafe Chinese & Thai
JMD Regent Square
Gurgaon , Haryana
Event Start Date : 24-Oct-2007
Event End Date : 24-Oct-2007
By : DesiZip.com |
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