Events Category |
Drop-in Art: Creative Calendars |
Keep track of the days in style with your own handmade calendars! We'll have the layout made for you; simply bring your creative ideas to fill
, 31-December-2007
2:37:31 AM
Keep track of the days in style with your own handmade calendars! We'll have the layout made for you; simply bring your creative ideas to fill in the new 2008 year!
on Jan3rd 2008, 3.30pm to 5.00pm
@ Bellevue Arts Museum
Cost: Free to the public
Phone 425.519.0770
Schedule Thu, 03 Jan 2008 3:30-5 pm
Venue Bellevue Arts Museum
510 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Event Start Date : 3-Jan-2008
Event End Date : 3-Jan-2008
By : Desi |
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