By Category |
India On Media |
of Abdulbasha's
Objective |
SWP Engineer |
Keyskills |
CAE Packages : Hyper mesh 6.0
Cad Packages : Pro-e2001, AutoCAD
Operating System : Windows xp/2000,
Qualification |
Course |
Institute |
Year |
UG |
B.E in Mechanical Engineering |
Basaveshwar Engg. College Bagalkot |
2004 |
PG |
Other Qualification
: |
Job |
SWP Engineer |
Details |
Experience :
Year, 8 Months |
Job Type : Permanent |
Visa Details :
Work in Other Countries
: |
Summary Of Resume/Project Details |
Projects carried out in GTRE (DRDO), Bangalore
Title : Meshing of Bypass Duct in
the HP Compressor for Thermal Analysis.
Description : 2-D Shell meshing is done for the
Hp Compressor exhaust Bypass duct which is
further subjected for Thermal Analysis. The highly
compressed air coming out of
the HP Compressor with high velocity is taken
away from this bypass duct and is
cooled in the atmosphere and again the compressed
air is reutilized by passing it in to the
Combustion Chamber.
Further the Combusted air coming out of the
combustion chamber will be with high temperature
.And then that air is passed through the turbines
for power generation. The meshed Component is
hence subjected to Thermal Analysis.
Title : Meshing of Mounting Plates
for Static Analysis
Description : 2-D Shell meshing is done for
this component. The meshing is carried out as per
the GTRE qualities. The mounting plates are used
for both the top mount and the
side mount where the assembly of the engine base
frame is done. The mounting
plates hole is maintained such that the shafts
extended at the front and rear side
of the engine frame suits the hole of the plate.
Therefore mounting plate plays an important role
in the Gas Turbine Engine. Hence the component was
meshed and sent for Post processing for Static
Title : Meshing of Flap Plates for
Linear Static Analysis
Description : Shell meshing was done for the
above mentioned component. The Flap plates are
Provided at the end of HP power turbine. These
plates are situated near the nozzle of the
turbine in circular manner in both sides of the
chamber. These plates are actuated by Actuator
system called INAS. They actuator system actuates
the Convergence and divergence of the plates by
the roller and cam arrangement The plates are
arranged alternatively above and below. These are
responsible for simultaneous supply of air through
the nozzle. Hence the meshing of flap plates was
done and then sent for post processing for the
Linear Static Analysis.
Title : Meshing of Bullet Nose for
Thermal Analysis.
Description : 3-D (Solid) Hex meshing of Bullet
Nose and Thermal analysis of the same was
done as per the requirement of GTRE. As the name
indicates Bullet nose is like a bullet shaped
component situated at the entry of the Compressor.
Bullet nose in the engine is provided for two
reasons.One is to maintain the uniform flow of air
And another is to convert the high pressure
atmospheric air in to low pressure air that is
entering in to the Compressor chamber through a
series of Stator and Rotor blades. It is a solid
body connected to the main shaft of the engine.
Hence to study the component behavior under
circumstances bullet nose was meshed and sent for
Thermal Analysis.
Title : Meshing of Actuators of INAS
Description : 3-D (Solid) Hex meshing of
Nozzle Actuator was done as per the GTRE
meshing qualities. There are four actuators
provided round the power turbine at
90 degrees all around. The actuators have piston
cylinder arrangement and thus
that is connected to the roller near the cam that
is mounted on the flap plate link.
Thus the movement of the piston makes the roller
to roll and the cam skids on it.
Thus the convergence and divergence of the flap
plate near the nozzle takes place.
Therefore the air is passed through the nozzle by
variation. Hence the actuators
have given more importance in the gas turbine
engine. Thus the Actuators are
meshed and sent for Static and Thermal Analysis.
Role and Responsibilities:
§ Meshing for Kaveri Engine (Aerospace) and Kaveri
Marine Engine
§ Importing the geometry from the IGES files
created after modeling.
§ Quality checking of the meshed component as per
GTRE requirement.
§ Creating *.dat file to release the component for
§ Follow up for meshing operation.
Software Knowledge:
CAE Packages : Hyper mesh 6.0
Cad Packages : Pro-e2001, AutoCAD
Operating System : Windows xp/2000,
for Further Details |
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